“ TECH-SRUJAN”-(Offline) State Level Project Competition on 29th April 2022

Tech – Srujan

 As rightly said by David Rockwell, “Every project is an opportunity to learn, to figure out problems and challenges, to invent and reinvent”.

Final year project is the opportunity to explore and showcase the hidden talents in students. We at MKSSS’s Cummins College are always keen to motivate the student fraternity in all the aspects of student life as well as professional life.

With this context Department of Computer Engineering and CSI student branch of MKSSS’s Cummins College of Engineering for Women is providing the opportunity to students from various Engineering Colleges in Maharashtra to participate in the Offline State level Project Competition “ TECH-SRUJAN” on 29th April 2022.

The competition will take place offline at Cummins College campus, Karvenagar, Pune.

Final Year Engineering (Computer and IT) students are eligible to participate in this competition. Some details related to the competition are as follows:

  • The competition will be conducted OFFLINE.
  • All the participants are requested to follow the COVID norms according to government instructions.
  • Presenters will be awarded with the participation certificates.
  • Students are supposed to arrange for resources like internet equipped laptops for participation.
  • Team size : 2-5 members.
  • Presentation time : 15-20 mins per team.
  • Once paid, the registration fee is non-refundable.
  • Only final year students of Computer Engineering And Information Technology are allowed.
  • Team should be able to demonstrate the project.
  • Participants are requested to report on time.
  • Participants are expected to bring their college Id and personal Id (Aadhaar card/PAN card) proof and hardcopy of the payment details.

The registration link for the competition: https://forms.gle/cV5fwV8juKmSDoaAA

Application of Engineering knowledge to address real life problems, to build the innovative solutions and to contribute to the society by using engineering as a tool are the broad objectives of this competition.

The valuable advisory committee includes Dr. Madhuri Khambete (Principal, MKSSS’s Cummins College of Engg. for Women) and Prof. Ashutosh Muchrikar (Dean Students affair, MKSSS’s Cummins College of Engg. for Women)

The convener of this event is Dr. Supriya Kelkar (Head, Computer Engg. Dept.)

For all the other details please refer to the flyer below. Kindly contact the organizing committee for any query.

Organizing Committee:

Prof. Mahendra Deore (9403625175)

Prof. Meenal Kamlakar (9423500100)

Prof. Pranjali Deshpande (9881147374)

Prof. Sakshi Mandke ( 9890832601)

Prof. Vaishali Salgar (9822001552)

Tech-srujan cummins college pune


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