Cummins Signature Project

Cummins India has declared Cummins College of Engineering For Women as their signature project. The prime objective of Signature Project is that Cummins College shall achieve All India Rank in Top 5%. The Cummins India has made budgetary provision of Rs. 8.00 Cr for the development of college under Signature Project.

Under Signature Project College has received funding to all departments for, 

  • Infrastructure development – Laboratory Equipments / instruments / Softwares and Setups procurement.
  • Student Development –
    • Under the signature project 40 hours program on “Innovation, employability skills enhancement and career building” is conducted for all third year students from last three years.
      • This has increased campus placement percentage and average pay package.
    • Under the signature project, Aptitude test “AMCAT”, for all second year and third year students has been conducted from AY: 2015.
      • AMCAT test provides the data of students’ strengths and weakness.
    • Under the signature Project, institute has Cummins Fellowship Program at Purdue University which was conceptualized in the year 2003 with generous support from Cummins India Foundation and Purdue University. The program allows the sponsorship of four students each year, two in Mechanical Engineering at ‘Mechanical Engineering School’, and two in Computer and Information Technology (CIT) at ‘School of Technology’ at Purdue University. As on today total 42 students benefited under this fellowship program.
    • Under the signature Project, Provision of sponsorship have been made to participate in national level event organised by SAE INDIA- BAJA   and  Technical Fest named “INNOVATION” from last four years.
  • Faculty Development – Full paid study leave to faculty for their Ph.D., Registration fees for paper presentation / publication, attending workshops / training programs and PURDUE Next Courses etc.
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